It is an unfolding of the principles and concepts of corporate culture and was conceived with the purpose of guiding the behavior and the internal and external relations of the members of Biocom, independently of their attributions and responsibilities, in a joint and integrated way with the other Policies of the Company.
The Code of Ethical Conduct is an unfolding of the principles and concepts that guide the business actions in Biocom that contain details of our ethical principles applicable to our Members, suppliers and partners.
It is important to ensure that our Members, suppliers and partners know, practice and uphold our ethical principles.
It is Biocom's commitment to act with ethics, integrity and transparency in compliance with the best global governance practices and applicable laws. With the ongoing commitment to improve and maintain an effective system, consisting of measures to prevent, detect and remedy risks of non-compliance with laws and occurrence of any unethical conduct and non-compliance with internal policies.
Yes. The Línea de Ética channel is confidential and everyone who uses it will be able to do so anonymously, and will be protected from any retaliation.
Conflict of interest occurs when a Member uses its position, function or negotiating position to obtain an undue advantage, directly or indirectly, for itself or for third parties with whom it has a connection.
It is the exposition of the Members to humiliating and embarrassing situations, repetitive and prolonged during the working day and in the exercise of their functions.
It is when a Member in the position of Leader exceeds the performance of his duties, requiring a Leader, through threats, as loss of employment, to perform certain actions or activities that are not in accordance with our policy of ethical and integral action transparent.
Our Members and partners must respect the current legislation and act in an ethical, integral and transparent manner, in accordance with the norms of our policy. It being expressly prohibited for any Member and partner to offer, promise or authorize, directly or indirectly, any undue advantage, whether in cash, good or service, to public agents and related persons, political parties and their members, or to any Candidates for public office, whether in Angola or abroad, in order to obtain personal benefit or for Biocom.